By Geoff Mangum
Mapping greens is fairly simple.
Just sketch the outline shape of the green, rough in the outlines of the 2-4 “flat areas”, then mark the direction of tilt of each flat area (fall line) plus the steepness of tilt (slope percentage) — an arrow for fall line and a number for slope percent.
All of this information is permanent, as the basic shape of the green never changes — only green speed changes.
Hence, if you usually play the same course, what are you waiting for?
Map the 18 greens!
You can certainly get a lot fancier about this, but it doesn’t really pay to do that — remember, EXACT numbers are for suckers who don’t understand science and who have no appreciation for the superior accuracy of the instincts (without numbers, just appreciating the relevant factors on an “it is what it is” basis) versus math and formulas (substituting estimated or even measured numbers as symbols instead of exact facts). A green map is just an approximate beginning for the read and is ALWAYS adjusted to a more fine-tuned read by the “factness” of things used by the instincts.
So, PRETENDING that “exact” math is either possible…
Read the rest of what Geoff has to say about How To Map Greens For Better Putting in the November 2018 Monthly Handicap Improver here: