By Adam Young

Wow, what a warm up session you just had on the range. Your last 10 balls were all flushed. You walk off the practice area as confident as Tiger in 2001 – this is going to be your round of golf.

You step up to the first tee and eye up your first shot – all you can see is the middle of the fairway. As you hold the grip of the club, it feels as if it is a part of your body. You swing back smoother than Barry White’s voice and…out of bounds!

What the hell happened?

Happens to the Best of Us

It is one of the most common stories – “Why can’t I take my game from the range to the course?

Even Tiger Woods is currently going through this, with onlookers claiming his “range-game” is as good as ever.

In this post, we look at some of the reasons…

Read the rest of what Adam has to say about Transferring Your Game in the March 2017 Monthly Handicap Improver here: