By Paul Myers

Some golfers make the mistake of thinking that their driver swing is the same as their iron swing, and that the two can be practiced in the same way. This can be a costly error that could lead to problems in both swings. The driver swing and the iron swing are not the same if you are maximizing for distance off the tee, and they each need separate attention if they are going to improve successfully. This article is focused on the driver swing specifically, and what you can do to practice it properly.

Start with Your Rhythm

Good golf swings need good rhythm, but rhythm may never be more important than it is with the driver, simply because the driver is the club that sends the ball the farthest – and potentially the farthest off line. To keep control of your ball flight with the driver, maintaining good tempo all round long is crucial. To work on your rhythm, practice blowing a small amount of air out of your mouth or nose during a practice swing. It doesn’t have to be a lot, just enough for you to be aware of it. If when you swing, there is a big spike in the air flow, you are probably swinging with too much tension and could be out of rhythm. Try to swing and keep that air flow steady. Steady air flow = better rhythm.

Find Your Balance

Hanging back on the trail foot during a driver swing is a common mistake, and could lead to an ugly slice. To get your balance in order for your driver swing, try the following drill. Without using a golf ball, get ready to make a swing with your driver on the practice tee. As you move into the follow through, make sure your weight has moved enough toward your target so that your trail foot actually comes up off the ground slightly. If you are able to do this, it is a sure sign that your weight has moved effectively toward the target and not gotten stuck on your right side (for a right handed golfer).

The two drills above can be a nice way to work on the development of your driver swing- and neither one even requires that you hit a golf ball. Once you have put in some time on these drills, go ahead and go back to your regular swing and hit a few balls. If the drills have done their job correctly, you may notice a change in your ball flight and the way your swing feels with the driver. Then you might go back to these drills periodically to reinforce the ideas and make sure your driver swing stays on track.

If you liked the article about different ways to practice your driver swing effectively and you think it would help another golfer, please like it.


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