“Just wanted to say thanks again. I now drive easily between 260 and 270 yards on a drive. I have hit 300 yards three times this summer each one straight. My last nine hole round (yesterday) I shot a 40 on a par-35 9-hole course. My best over a month ago was 7 over par on an 18-hole par-61 course.”
“Last Monday (yesterday – Labor Day) I smoothed out the drive swing a little, practice some drives, and then played eighteen holes. I hit two drives for 320 yards and one for 300 yards! I almost could not believe it. The ground was soft and fairly level, and the grass was a little high; so my drive may have gone farther if the grass had been cut. My golf partner was so shocked he started asking my advice on his drives. What a day! Just had to let you know.”

“I’ve increase my swing speed by 12-15 mph to about 120 mph…I feel stronger and less vulnerable to injury and sore back since doing the training.”

“After 7 days of training…I can already feel the power.”

“I am about 2.5 weeks into my training and my average speed is up from 94 to 103 mph on 30 driver swings.”

“I’m up to 125 mph in swing speed now from 107, aiming for 130 this summer, thanks to your site”

“I’ve used your basic swing speed training routine…which I worked diligently for 30 days. My overall distance has increased up to 30 yards.”

“Jaacob, enjoying the program. started at 96 now up to 117.”

“Jaacob, this is some very valuable information. I am starting to see the light again thanks to you.”

- 2x ALDA Super Senior National Champion
- 5x Re/Max World Long Drive Finalist
- Nominated for Golf Digest’s Best Teachers in Georgia
- TPI Certified

“I know I’ve said it before, but it seems every time I need some assistance, you and your staff are always there with not only a reply but, the answer. I have mentioned to others about what a great investment a membership in your Swing Man Golf is! I review it most every day during the golf season. Thanks again!”

My swing speed was 100 on average. My average today was 109 with a high of 112.

“Just wanted to say thanks again. I now drive easily between 260 and 270 yards on a drive. I have hit 300 yards three times this summer each one straight. My last nine hole round (yesterday) I shot a 40 on a par-35 9-hole course. My best over a month ago was 7 over par on an 18-hole par-61 course.”
“Last Monday (yesterday – Labor Day) I smoothed out the drive swing a little, practice some drives, and then played eighteen holes. I hit two drives for 320 yards and one for 300 yards! I almost could not believe it. The ground was soft and fairly level, and the grass was a little high; so my drive may have gone farther if the grass had been cut. My golf partner was so shocked he started asking my advice on his drives. What a day! Just had to let you know.”

“I’ve increase my swing speed by 12-15 mph to about 120 mph…I feel stronger and less vulnerable to injury and sore back since doing the training.”

“My SS was probably down to the low 90’s. My swing speed the other day was averaging around 110 with my high of 122 and a low of 105. I had a dozen or more swings at 115. I really didn’t think that it was going to be possible but, without even much work, there it is. Thanks for all the great advice.”

“I’ve used your basic swing speed training routine…which I worked diligently for 30 days. My overall distance has increased up to 30 yards.”

“I’m up to 125 mph in swing speed now from 107, aiming for 130 this summer, thanks to your site.”

“Very excited today working in my net with my swing speed radar. 9-iron 75 mph up from 62 mph. 6-iron 90 mph up from 76 mph. 5-wood and this is the best, 120 mph up from 85 mph.”

“I am about 2.5 weeks into my training and my average speed is up from 94 to 103 mph on 30 driver swings.”

“I have worked hard with your program and have increased swing speed from 95-to-105.”

“Just reporting my first trial on the main course of your simple tips to use the hands and arms better. I practiced the throwing action with the right arm at the driving range for an hour, then went to the course for 9 holes the next day. I usually struggle to play to my 19 handicap, but with this tip alone I hit all fairways off the tee and shot 38 on a par 36. This is my best score ever on 9 holes. The new path created by the throwing motion helped square up the clubface, gave me a faster and more fluent swing, and started to feel very reliable. Many thanks again for a great tip.”

“The Swing Man Golf swing speed training program helped me tremendously with my golf game. My club head speed increased 23 mph over a 10 week period! And believe it or not, the exercises improved my stability, allowing me to hit straighter too! This program is simple and incredibly effective.”

“I am a scratch player and have been doing swing speed training for the last month or so and have gotten about 10 MPH increase.”

“Usually, I was shooting around 85mph or so with my driver before the training…so, just a few days ago I have reached the 110 mph club head speed.”

“After 7 days of training…I can already feel the power.”

“Your swing speed training has helped me to add 20 to 30 yards to my drives…during the first 4 to 6 weeks training, I improved my swing speed from low 80’s mph to the low to mid 90’s mph.”

“Thanks I watched your videos and got my swing speed from 105 to 115 on my driver dead straight.”

“I really liked your instruction, and it’s the first time in a long time I took a lesson and saw immediate improvement on the long swing and can’t wait to try out the sand setup you like to use. It really makes sense!”

“I’ve been doing Basic Speed Training for a month. Gained 25 yards on my drives and increased distance on my irons. My swing speed started at 85, progressed to 95 ”

“I truly believe that swing speed training has been a major benefit to my entire game. My drives and irons fly longer and straighter than ever.”

“I have already started into your program and the first day have seen good improvement in my driving distance. I have been giving up distance as age (and laziness) has caused a gradual reduction in my swing speed. Thanks for your program and encouragement. I WILL get those lost yards back with your help.”

“Thx to Jaacob Bowden speed training I m now able to match more or less the ball speed of PGA tour with the Driver 257 kph = 169.7 mph. Thx buddy.”

“Jaacob- your eagle opportunity is real life. As a matter of fact, and I am looking at My plaque right now. It reads, John Cain Painted HIlls Golf Club Double Eagle Hole #4 August 26, 2013. A driver and 3-wood got me there on the 462 yd hole. We couldn’t see the cup as the green was over a rise. We were all 4 searching for the ball, but there in the hole was my yellow Bridgestone. Shot a 75, net 63. I don’t get to tell anybody about it much anymore but now you came along. Thanks, Now, I only need to get smart enough to use it on the course. ”

“Went on to your website…and have to thank you as on helped me figure out the proper release of the club. Went to Sandy to hit a few balls and it’s going to take time but much improved connection and possibly gaining between 5-10 yards. Played a few holes too, the first 3 iron 7 iron and sand wedge to 4 feet and birdie ‘as it plays a par 5 for us mortals. So seems I’m thanking you again.”

“When I began losing distance, I figured it was a matter of advancing age and didn’t think there was much I could do about it. My drives were down from 240-260 yards to the 200-220 range, and I had to hit one or two clubs more on my other shots. But after using your training methods, my distance is nearly back. My drives are going 240 consistently, and I haven’t sacrificed accuracy to get that extra length.”

“I started this a month ago and I’m hitting it really far. You should do this workout because it’s easy and lets you hit it farther.”

“Jaacob Bowden has put together a program that doesn’t exist anywhere else. He understands the relationship between strength and speed better than any other instructor I’ve encountered. After less than a month of doing the workouts I was hitting the ball to places I had never been before on my local golf course. My distance improved from 250 yards to 290 yards-and I had several drives over 300 yards. At my age, I never expected to get longer. The workouts were easy to do and took less than 15 minutes.”

“I am always searching for ways to increase my club head speed and therefore my distance. As I consider Jaacob to be one of the world’s foremost authorities on increasing speed in the golf swing, I got on the Swing Man site. After just two weeks my club head speed has already increased by five miles per hour with a very small investment in workout time. That translates to an extra 12 to 15 yards of distance!!! Any golfer wanting to hit the ball further and to improve their golf can benefit from this terrific program.”

“Working with Jaacob’s speed training programs I increased my speed by 12 miles per hour in one month. The game is a lot more fun with the distances I’m hitting them. Now I’m reaching par-5’s in two more often. Speed training really works.”

“Hey Jaacob!! My handicap is just over 10. My swing speed use to be around 90 mph. My playing partner would always out drive me by 20 to 25 yards. I started working my fast twitch muscles using a shaft with a grip and no head. After about two weeks my club head speed went to 100 and I started driving equal to my playing partner. Now I want to keep increasing my speed. I just ordered the radar and can’t wait to see my new speed. I have been following your exercises and already feel the increase. I will see it in my drives and fairway woods and irons when I play this Thursday and Saturday. I’m so excited to keep working hard and increase the speed and distance on all of my clubs. Thank You for sharing your workouts and expertise. I’ll keep you posted as to my progress!!”

“On hole 11 which is uphill (probably 10-20 feet) 290 yards, everyone complemented me on my drive that it was straight and long, we spent about 15 minutes looking for my ball, once everyone hit their second (some third) shots we got on the green and noticed there was an extra ball. It was my drive, I had driven from the tee to the middle of the green on a 290 yard uphill shot! So I was pretty stoked about what I learned on your site!”

“When I began losing distance in my late fifties, I figured it was a matter of advancing age and didn’t think there was much I could do about it. My drives were down from 240-260 yards to the 200-220 range, and I had to hit one or two clubs more on my other shots. But after using Jaacob Bowden’s methods, my distance is nearly back to where it was five years ago. My drives are going 240 consistently, and I haven’t sacrificed accuracy to get that extra length.”

“just wanted to tell u thnx for supporting me when i needed it the most”

“i really enjoyed reading your lessons and i think it’s working good ‘coz i noticed when I’m relax i just let the head of my club hit that ball with a follow thru my ball goes longer i mean double sometimes it surprise me too with my 5 iron. I’m so happy thanks a lot to swing man golf.”

“It’s amazing how simple it really is. Swinging ‘fast’ does not mean swinging ‘hard’. Yes, I know this intellectually (I’ve been golfing for 30 years) but I didn’t really “get it” until I saw your swing and applied your instructions. In just the last two weeks I’m hitting a number of drives, seemingly effortlessly, that go extremely straight and much longer than usual, into the 300-plus yards arena. Again, it’s just been two weeks, and I’ve got to practice more for consistency, but already I’m seeing dramatic improvement. In my second round last week, I shot 1-over par on the back nine, with five good birdie opportunities on the greens. When you hit it long and straight, you get a lot of greens-in-regulation. This translates into low scores.”

“Many people are aware of Jaacob Bowden’s phenomenal power and grace off the tee, but what they may not know is what an amazing coach of the entire game he is. Not only is he an unbelievable athlete and striker of the ball, he’s a gifted teacher with a tremendously broad repertoire of knowledge. He looks at the game and his students holistically and gets them tremendous and lasting results very quickly.
With Jaacob’s guidance and tips, I probably cut about 10 to 15 strokes off my score by improving just about every part of my game: driving, pitching, chipping, putting, course management, managing the mental and emotional aspects of the game, scoring, etc. All of this information can be found on this website in concise and well organized form so that you can understand it quickly and apply it to your game immediately.
Perhaps best of all, as a coach of the game, Jaacob possesses the wisdom, integrity, and clarity of a Jedi Knight. Not only does this mean that he can communicate clearly and directly essential concepts to improve your game, it also means that he is balanced, centered and mindful in his approach to the game. With the information he has put in this website, you will be opened up to a whole new relaxed and positive way of looking at the game, that will enable you to enjoy the game far more, with less stress and much more effective results.
Jaacob’s not a typical teaching pro and this website is not your typical golf website. He’s not looking to make a few bucks promoting gimmicks or unrealistic results with little substance. Nor is he spouting off conventional teaching cliché’s or useless information. He genuinely cares about his students, goes far deeper than other teachers and websites, and he makes sure members of the Swingman site receive maximum value and improvement for their time and money.
I can’t recommend him and this site highly enough.”

“Watching Jaacob hit, the thing that impressed me most was the seemingly effortless power. It didn’t really look like Jaacob was swinging hard. His swing was tight and compact, yet the ball just exploded off the club face. It sounded different, looked different, the trajectory was different. It just looked like the way a golf ball should come off the club. I think even greater than the distance is the accuracy you pick up when you adopt the Mike Austin square-face method. I have started to adopt the method and I have seen gains in distance and accuracy. It is also easier on my body because there is little to no torque on my back and is just an easy, fluid motion. I plan on using this method to hit the ball from here on. It is making golf much more enjoyable.”

“When I worked with Jaacob on the driving range I was amazed by his compact and athletic swing. The results were high trajectory golf shots that seemed to squirt off the club face with huge distance for what seemed like very little effort. After only a few lessons I took my dream honeymoon trip to Maui with my newly wed wife. I got in one round at the Wailea Emerald Course and scored two birdies! Not bad for a 20+ handicapper at the time.”

“Loved your interview with the golf channel.”

“Hi thanks for ur assistance ur guidance I’ve started hitting 30-40 yards more.”

“… your tips are rapidly changing my golf game.”

“I must say I found a couple of your tips very helpful … I shoot in the high 80’s, but with a couple of your tips, I’ve already brought that down to the low 80’s.”

“Jaacob,great site and it has helped me hit the ball longer.”

“As usual you have come to the rescue. Your schooling on the mental side of the game has helped me more than I ever expected.When I started your program I was an 18 handicap down to 13 now looking for a single digit.My goal of a single digit handicap is in sight.”

“Saw all ur videos loved each one of them.i have really inproved my swing.”

“… excellent information and video instruction, I really enjoy the honesty that you portray throughout your work … it isn’t all hyped up like some websites.”

“I started your training only 10 days ago and I can see and increase in distance from 240 to 270.”

“On the golf front, I’ve played twice, 9 holes each time, since incorporating your tips. I noticed the swoosh on my driver is a lot louder and I hit a couple of drivers well past my normal length. Suddenly my swing seems simple, yet maybe more powerful.”

“I’ve been using your basic speed tips since I signed up and have gone from 95-100 on a regular basis to 110-115 pretty consistently but every now and then I’ll hit 120+ during the same session.”

“Wow, I’m really blown away … I was striping drives all day in the fairway. I think I only had one real serious mis hit and it turned out okay. I actually drove the green on a short par 4, I hit it too far and went into a hazard :), but the ball hit the green pin high like 15ft from the pin before chasing off into the hazard. On another hole, I hit it so far on a par 4 that I almost went into the water hazard in front of the green. That’s a new experience for me! Hitting longer and straighter off the tea is going to really change the dynamics of my game and give me more opportunities.”

“For me, it’s well worth the $50 for all the excellent content. Heck, a golf lesson costs more than $50 for 45 minutes and I probably forget what the pro tells in less than a week.”

“First of all I really enjoy your site. What is really awesome about it is the swing speed training, simple and easy.”

“… by the way, your website is one of the best I’ve ever seen with REAL AND EFFECTIVE TRAINING METHODS. No fluff, just good information! You’ve truly done your homework.”

“Jaacob, enjoying the program. started at 96 now up to 117.”

“Jaacob, this is some very valuable information. I am starting to see the light again thanks to you.”

“I have already gone from around 110mph with my old driver to 117mph+ consistently with drives carrying around 310. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This should lower my handicap!”

“… am already extremely pleased with the results.”

“… thanks for a great site. You provide the information that I have been seeking.”

“I am a golf pro who over the last few years has lost a little clubhead speed and would love to get it back and some more. I love all of your information!”

“I had started your swing speed program 9 days ago and now hitting balls further and it gives me more confidence in hitting balls, will keep you posted.”

“Many thanks for your help and the info on this site. My swing speed is steadily getting better. I’m now in the 120’s on a regular basis.”

“The video on ‘Using your Legs to Power Your Swing’ is the most effective instruction I’ve ever had!! I’m 72 y/o and have never known my swing until now. I used to shoot low, now and then,but quit for 15 yrs. Last year I started again and could not break 95 until this very informative video. Now, I’m scoring in the low 80’s or better from the intermediate tees. (I also have had back surgery for spinal stenosis) Thanks for a great lesson.”

“Had finished your 37 days basic training program and can testifies that it was really great and it works well for me. Now I can easily drive about 270-280 yards which I only managed 250 before this program. Will continue your program and looking forward to see the 300 yds mark soon, thank you very much for your sharing, it is great and playing a round of golf is much easier now.”

“Yesterday i played golf and did score 5 under my handicap of 24 and it was such a awsome feeling i thought i could share with you , thanks for the tips i am definetly improving my game.”

“… am absolutely amazed at the results. I seldom miss the sweet spot now and my shots are long and straight. The ball just seems to shoot off like a rocket. Playing golf is fun again!”

“Working very hard at it and seeing positive results. Last week I hit it pin high to a 570 yard pin on a par-5. Not bad for a 56 yr. old. Thanks again!”

“… thanks for having such an informative website.”

“Over the last year I tend to hit the ball realitivly strainght , but not very long. Swing speed mid 80s to low 90s. After 3 weeksÖmy highes swing speed recorded is 117. My average swing speed is about 108 now and I still am looking to improve.”

“You’re a genius! No one ever pointed this out to me. Suddenly my whole swing is much easier and more natural. My swing speed was around 105 mph, occasionally with a lot of uncontrolled effort I’d get it faster. The speed seems to still be increasing, I was up to a 121.40 mph average yesterday with no effort. On the golf course as of two months ago I’ve exceed all my longest drives and on one hole I beat my previous longest by 70 yards.”

“… my compliments on your speed training, ive been adding your stuff to my workouts, and it is top notch. Keep up the good work.”

“Jaacob helped me to increase my swing speed from an average of 103mph to an average of 110mph with just one ‘lesson’ while he was in my shop getting fitted for a 4 degree drive (I witnessed him ‘backing up’ his old 7 degree driver by three feet!).”

“I am still a little in shock at the quick results but here goes, (These speeds are average speed that I made solid contact, not top speed)
Monday the 16th, 98-100 MPH, 5 days later, Friday the 20th. 110-112 MPH.
Not only that, but Jaacob, when I let go of the tension, the ball flight was dead straight. I am hitting the ball to areas of the range I never even new were there. This after just one week!
… the 15th hole, par 4, uphill about 75 feet, over a large waste area. 315 yards to the center of the green. My playing partner laid up but I wasn’t scoring well enough for me to worry about it. Pulled driver, relaxed and swung as free as I did all day. The ball flew high, straight and carried the green to 12 feet. Unbelievable, I couldn’t hit the ball that far when I was 25 much less almost 50. I am a believer.
Thanks, thanks, thanks.”

“I have been at it for a little over 3 weeks and have seen at least a 10-20 yd improvement with most of drives!”

“… and you are an excellent teacher, as shown by your ability to talk plainly, and in a manner that’s easily understood. I dig people who don’t try to act as big as God. Thanks, my friend, and keep up the excellent work.”

“Good people like you are hard to find”

“I have only one word: GREAT!”

“The part of your program that I like so much is that you provide tools to improve.”

“… your program is working for me, I’m way more consistent, longer, and confident thanks again.”

“Dear Mr. Bowden, I have purchased your exercsize program and after only two weeks. I am 65 years old and before starting your program my average speed was between 85 and 88. I am now averaging 88 to 91 … But … I have recorded one swing at 99 mph and the ball was out or sight … WOW. I have recorded 4 drives on the course of 260 to 280 … yes I said 280. It was a feat but my buddies are already talking about making me tee off the blue tees.”

“Within the first 7-10 days I saw an increase of about 7-9 MPH”

“You have made working out fun again! 131mph last night if the medicus power meter is accurate. If not, at least its an 18mph increase over Decembers starting number … Thanks Again.”

“This is a great site.”

“I have been doing the Basic Swing Speed Training Program for the last month with great results. I started with an average driver speed of 85-94 mph. I have been “stuck” for the last week on a maximum speed of 115-116 mph.”

“Jaacob, I enjoy the site and I’m working on improving my swing speed. I’ve boosted it 10 mph so far.”

“I want to congratulate you on your recent video additions. Your explanations are concise and eloquent. Your website is easy to maneuver and packed with great tips. I was at first reluctant to sign on. I’m glad I did.”

“I want to thank you for your amazing video lessons.”

“Have been at it now for 5 weeks and unable to play golf for 8 weeks due to climatic conditions. do not have a speed radar but can tell from the power that is now there that there has been a dramatic increase in swing speed. Thank you without your input it would not have happened.”

“I just wanted to let you know that I have been using your techniques the latter part of the summer when I learned about your site – and have now qualified for the World’s in Mesquite! … I am extremely happy and your training has really helped!“