Age:                                     28

Height:                              6’2″

Weight:                             185lbs

Driver Specs:

  • Krank Formula 6 – 4-degree head
  • Fujikura Groove 2X shaft


  • Krank Golf, HJ gloves
  • Tornado Tee
  • Champ Spikes
  • Carolina Indoor Golf

Special Accomplishments:

  • 8-time World Long Drive Championship Finalist
  • 2010 Tennessee Shootout Champion
  • 2012 Masters of Long Drive Champion
  • 2012 LDA Tour Championship Finalist

What is your longest drive in competition?

447 yards

What were the conditions of the drive?

Perfect 😉 Downwind about 15-20mph

What are the fastest swing speeds you’ve recorded on a Swing Speed Radar and/or Trackman?

152 and 146

What lead you to choose your particular equipment specifications?

Choosing the best equipment is all about what works best for your swing, and my current setup gives me the best all around performance for drives of distance, therefore I use the Krank Formula 6 head with the Fujikura Groove shaft.

Do you favor a particular shot shape to hit it long?

If I had to choose a particular shape, it would be straight, as straight balls go the furthest, but my comfort shot is a mid-flight block or a strong draw.

Do you use any training aids to work on your speed and power?

The only training aid I use is the Twitch Trainer. It’s the only aid I need as it works on all the important performance techniques such as speed, strength, and timing.

Do you do any other types of training to drive it further?

I’m not the biggest guy in the sport, so for me to stay competitive, my flexibility is crucial, so I work on staying loose and flexible through stretching.

Is there any particular bit of advice you would give the regular amateur for him or her to hit the ball longer?

I think the most important thing to do, with all variables staying consistent, would be to get fitted…

Read the rest of what Kyle has to say about the Long Drive in the November 2016 Monthly Handicap Improver here: