If you don’t find your question listed below, feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

We want you to be comfortable with your purchases so we are happy to take the time and answer any questions you might have ahead of time.

Some of your speed testimonials can't be possible. Is this for real?

Yes, absolutely. For some reason, it is common thinking in the golf world that you either have speed or you don’t. Even such greats as Tiger Woods and short-game wizard Paul Runyan have said as much. However, the fact is that training your body to swing faster (using the fundamentals you already have) is like any other aspect of speed, strength, or flexibility that you can work at to improve. Surprisingly to some, the speed gains are greater than you might expect…and it’s not really that difficult to do with good knowledge of how to do it!

Do I have to buy any equipment?

The Basic Program in particular is designed in such a way that each aspect of the training can be improvised with no additional equipment needed.

Do I have to buy any equipment?

The Basic Program in particular is designed in such a way that each aspect of the training can be improvised with no additional equipment needed.

What kind of speed gains can I expect?

At the time of this writing, Swing Man Golf has over 4,500 members. It is very common to hear back from the members about 12-16 mph (30-40 yards) speed gains with the driver in 30 days. Your anticipated results would be similar.

For those who are more ambitious, Jaacob has also listed his training regimes when he was training for World Long Drive Championship Qualifying. The best testimonial thus far has been Steve, a 58 year old senior, who started around 95-100 mph in December. By April he sent Jaacob a photo of his radar at 139mph!!! He went on later that year to compete in the Super Senior division of the World Long Drive Championships…and he won several of his Local Qualifiers.

As a senior, what kind of speed gains can I expect?

Although swing speed training seems to work at any age (our youngest member is 12 years old), over 65% are over the age of 45…and over 35% are over age 60. We even have numerous members in their 70s and 80s. No matter the age or sex, the results seem to be the same for everyone as mentioned in the previous question.

Is the Basic Program just about using isometric bands?

No. Jaacob’s found through his experience that largest and fastest swing speed training gains are had through a cross-training of the swing. He’ll show you how to do that.

I use such-and-such swing and/or equipment. Will the training work for me?

Yes. Jaacob designed the training with that in mind. So whether you use a swing that is conventional, the Stack and Tilt, Natural Golf, etc or you use standard equipment or same length irons, the training will work for you.

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