By Paul Myers

Golf swings are quite different from player to player – even among the best players in the world. If you watch some golf on TV, it won’t take long to see that there is great variety among the golf swings of the touring professionals. Even with those differences, they are all able to produce consistently quality shots and shoot good scores on most days. There is a lesson to be learned from the variety of swings you see on the tour – that there is certainly more than one way to get the job done.

However, there are a few traits that all of the good players share. As an amateur golfer, you would be smart to try and copy the five traits below as you are working on improving both the power and consistency in your own golf swing.

#1 – Balance

If there is a golden rule when it comes to swinging the golf club, balance is it. With good balance, you should find it relatively easy to make solid contact with the ball and hit repeatable shots time after time. Balance also enables you to use all of your power and maximize the golf swing speed potential that you have inside. Without balance, a consistent golf swing is almost impossible to find, and you will probably be frustrated with the results more often than not.

#2 – Comfortable Grip

There are a variety of ways in which you can grip the club to make a golf swing, and many of them can work beautifully. However, you want to make sure that your grip is comfortable for you and that you make the same grip swing after swing. If you are ‘fighting’ your grip and feel like the club is placed awkwardly in your hands, it will be very difficult to pull together a golf swing that feels natural and repeatable.

#3 – Good Foot Work

Foot work isn’t something that most golfers think about, but it is very important in the search for a repeatable golf swing. Many amateur golfers make the mistake of having their feet moving too much during the swing, which again leads to inconsistency. Quiet feet do the job of supporting your aggressive golf swing without getting in the way or pushing you off balance. Make sure your feet stay connected to the ground as much as possible during the golf swing, and that you use them to drive through the ball and generate speed through impact.

#4 – Clear Target

Not all golf swing traits are physical in nature. Having a clear target is more of a mental game item, but it is vital to making sure your golf swing lives up to its potential. When you stand over a shot and don’t have a specific target in mind that you are trying to hit, your golf swing can suffer as a result. The first step of any shot should be to pick a clear and decisive target – from there, you can work on executing the physical elements of your golf swing to deliver the ball to the target.

#5 – Confidence

You won’t find a professional golfer who makes their swings without complete confidence in what they are doing. In fact, if you do find a pro golfer lacking confidence in their golf swing, you can be sure they won’t be a pro for much longer. Golf requires supreme confidence in order to find success, so work on trusting your own swing as much as possible. When you are practicing on the range is the time to critique your golf swing and make change – on the course, you need to believe in it completely.

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