Member Question:
Hi Jaacob,
How does your technique affect health – i.e. the health of the spine, neck, hips and knees? …versus a standard 15 handicapper swing. Thanks!
-Rod, New Zealand
Jaacob’s Answer:
The swing I’ve built for myself actually does quite a bit to account for long-term health.
For example, for the most part I try to pick the ball rather than take divots to protect my wrists (it also helps minimize the risk of score-killing fat shots).
I open up my front foot at address enough to accommodate the level of flexibility I have in my hip rotators. This helps me swing through the ball to a full finish without putting as much pressure on my lead hip and knee (which is good because I had torn my ACL playing college basketball).
I don’t take a particularly wide stance. In general, wider stances limit mobility and I believe put more strain on the lower back.
I employ the use of my legs, a la Mike…
Read the rest of what Jaacob has to say about Your Questions Answered in the August 2015 Monthly Handicap Improver here: