Jimmy Walker Swing Speed

The average club head speed of Jimmy Walker is 117.29mph. If you would like to reach the same swing speed as Jimmy Walker and add 30 to 40 yards to your drives over the next 30 days, like thousands of our customers have before you, you might consider our unique Swing...

Tour Players with Surprising Swing Speed

By Paul Myers In this article we’ll tell you about tour players with surprising swing speed. Some of the longest hitters on the PGA Tour are easy to spot. Guys like Bubba Watson and Dustin Johnson have enormous power, and just one look at them swinging a driver...

Three Ways to Increase Swing Speed Quickly

By Paul Myers Many gains in your golf game come slowly, over time. Most need to put in many hours of practice time to see significant improvements, and it can take years to drop several strokes off of your handicap. One of the things golfers enjoy about the game is...

Swing Speed Goals for Amateur Golfers

By Paul Myers When you want to find more distance off the tee, a great place to look is through increased swing speed. Sure, you can optimize your equipment to add a few yards on your drives, but if you are going to see serious increases in how far you can launch the...