By Jaacob Bowden

Last month I talked about how important it is have power in your golf game. The primary focus of that first issue was to make sure you get off and running with developing more club head speed for your golf game.

Statistically speaking, Columbia Professor Mark Broadie has found that 85% of the scoring differences between the best pros and average pros, pros and amateurs, and good amateurs and bad amateurs come down to shots from tee-to-green.

Remember, Trackman data also shows that there is a direct correlation between your handicap and how fast you can swing the driver.

Let me put that chart up again…because club head speed matters.

It’s a must to be a good player.

By now, you’ve had enough time to get yourself a…

Read the rest of what Jaacob has to say about Swing Speed Training & Hitting Solid/Straight in the April 2014 Monthly Handicap Improver here: