Learn Golf 129% Faster

By Adam Young In 1994, Hall, Domingues and Cavazos conducted a study with baseball players testing the effects of either BLOCK or RANDOM practice schedules on subsequent LEARNING. Thirty players were tested for skill levels, and then were randomly assigned to one of...

Your Questions Answered

By Tom Wishon MHI Golfer Question: Is it alright to clean my irons with a brush? I purchased one of those cleaning brushes (haven’t used it yet) that has 2 sides. One side is a nylon type brush, soft and the other head is like a wire brush. It also has a sharp...

Grip Pressure

By Geoff Mangum Holding your putter as lightly as possible is stupid advice. The general idea seems to be that “exquisite touch” comes from sensitivity in the fingers, but this is anatomically ignorant of both “touch” and the contribution of sensitive fingers to...

The Goal of Golf

By Adam Young In our quest for the “perfect swing” (if it even exists), we often lose sight of the goal of the game. This article will be incredibly simple, yet, at the same time, make you say “huh, I never thought of it like that”. The Game Our aim in this game is...