Age:                                 44

Height:                           6’2”

Weight:                          230 lbs

Driver Specs:

1X and 2X House of Forged Platinum 6-degree MOI Intruder (depending on conditions)


TCDi, Champ Sports, Tattoo Golf, House of Forged, Hirzl Gloves, Muira Golf, MOI Golf, 59 belts

Special Accomplishments:

  • 2015 Omaha Senior Long Drive Champion
  • 2014 RE/AX World Long Drive Championship runner-up
  • 2012 Dixie Classic Long Drive Champion
  • 2012 Sandhills Slam Long Drive Champion
  • 2010 Cabo Invitational Long Drive Champion

What is your longest drive in competition?

491 yards at an Omaha long drive event 2015

What were the conditions of the drive?

Downwind and rainy conditions (received the only bounce of the day)

What are the fastest swing speeds you’ve recorded on a Swing Speed Radar and/or Trackman?

141 mph on Trackman

What lead you to choose your particular equipment specifications?

When swinging consistently in the upper 130s I need a reliable shaft that will kick hard at impact. I look for playability where I can work the shot according to the conditions. When competing I need a certain spin rate and launch angle to have maximum distance and control.

Do you favor a particular shot shape to hit it long?

I like a draw into the wind and fade down wind. If there is no wind I hit more of a straight shot.

Do you use any training aids to work on your speed and power?

I use over under training and video to maintain my swing.

Do you do any other types of training to drive it further?  

Physical conditioning, weight training including explosive and strength training.  Flexibility and stretching regime.  Also work on swing mechanics to maximize swing speed.

Is there any particular bit of advice you would give the regular amateur for him or her to hit the ball longer?  

The two things I find most common with my students are tension and swing path, which in my eyes go hand in hand.

When the swing path comes off plane the tension of the student will increase.  The tension is in…

Read the rest of what Jeff has to say about the Long Drive in the September 2015 Monthly Handicap Improver here: