Read the latest of what’s going on at Swing Man Golf below


Your Questions Answered

By Jaacob Bowden Member Question: Hi Jaacob, I'm struggling with the concept of swinging fast rather than swinging hard. I know how "forcing" anything in golf is detrimental. However increasing swing speed takes extra effort &, dare I say it, FORCE. I try to keep...

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Getting Rid of the Pull Stroke in Putting

By Geoff Mangum Nearly all golfers develop a "pull" stroke in their early days of golfing. The main reason for this is standing beside the ball facing the target with the eyes, with a torso also "facing" the target. This "open" body posture results in a stroke action...

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Jeff “The Critter” Crittenden Long Drive Q&A

Age:                                 44 Height:                           6’2” Weight:                          230 lbs Driver Specs: 1X and 2X House of Forged Platinum 6-degree MOI Intruder (depending on conditions) Sponsors: TCDi, Champ Sports, Tattoo Golf, House of...

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Olympic Golf is a Year Away

By Paul Myers The Summer Olympics will be held in Rio in 2016, and golf is set to make its appearance as an official event for the first time in the modern era. While there has been plenty of back-and-forth debate over whether or not golf should be played in the...

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Presidents Cup Preview

By Paul Myers While it doesn’t receive the same fanfare as the Ryder Cup, the Presidents Cup is still a huge event held every other year which pits many of the best golfers in the world against in each other in team competition. In the Presidents Cup, the team from...

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Your Questions Answered

By Jaacob Bowden Member Question: Hi Jaacob, How does your technique affect health – i.e. the health of the spine, neck, hips and knees? ...versus a standard 15 handicapper swing. Thanks! -Rod, New Zealand Jaacob’s Answer: The swing I've built for myself actually does...

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The X for Good Lags

By Geoff Mangum The X is about putts that do not aim outside the cup. The vertical alignment of the X is on the fall line thru the cup. The X establishes a pattern for which "leaves" are easy. Putts within a half meter of the cup are never a problem since the golfer...

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